Many people describe vertigo as feeling dizzy, but it’s different from being light-headed. Simple movements are unusually intense for people with vertigo, and the condition can impact your everyday life. Your symptoms will probably depend on what’s causing your episodes and the type of vertigo you have.

Peripheral vertigo Peripheral vertigo is caused by a problem in areas of the inner ear or the vestibular nerve, which connects the inner ear and the brain. This is the most common type of vertigo.Central vertigo Central vertigo happens when there’s a glitch in the brain, particularly in an area of the brain called the cerebellum.

RSV-HSN: A New Type of Vertigo?

Participants sat in a dark room while an examiner moved their heads forward and then side to side for about 15 seconds. Next, researchers made a video recording of the participants’ eye motions. Results showed those with RSV-HSN had eye movements, known as “nystagmus,” that lasted longer than in others with vertigo. The scientists say that, compared with other types of vertigo, RSV-HSN involves more severe bouts of motion sickness. In the study, people with RSV-HSN had attacks that included nausea, vomiting, headaches, and intolerance of head motions. They experienced symptoms anywhere from a few times a week to once a year.

DizzinessFeeling like you’re moving or spinningProblems focusing the eyesHearing loss in one earBalance problemsRinging in the earsSweatingNausea or vomiting

Central vertigo may cause signs and symptoms such as:

Double visionDifficulty swallowingFacial paralysisEye movement difficultiesSlurred speechWeak limbs

What Does It Feel Like to Have Vertigo?

Many people describe vertigo as feeling like the room is spinning. It might cause you to feel like you’re tilted, rocking, unbalanced, or unsteady. Sometimes these unpleasant sensations are worse if you’re standing up, walking, or moving your head around. Many people describe these feelings as physically exhausting and taxing. Sometimes, the sensations are so severe that you feel nauseated or experience vomiting. Usually symptoms of vertigo don’t include light-headedness, fainting, or motion sickness. An array of issues can cause vertigo. Some of the most common are conditions known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Ménière’s disease, and labyrinthitis. Less common causes include migraines, medication, head injuries, and stroke.

Vertigo: Problems With the Inner Ear

Symptoms of vertigo are often the result of an inner ear (vestibular system) problem. Your inner ear plays a big role in helping you feel balanced. Inside your ear is a tiny organ called the vestibular labyrinth, which includes semicircular canals that contain fluid and hair-like sensors. Other structures in the ear, called otolith organs, help monitor the movement and position of your head in relation to gravity. Otolith organs contain small crystals that make you responsive to gravity. Sometimes, these crystals can break free and move into the semicircular canals. This can irritate the hair cells within the canals and make them more sensitive to head position changes. It can allow for false messages about your body’s position to be sent to your brain. Basically, inner ear disorders cause your brain to obtain signals from the inner ear that don’t match up with what your eyes and sensory nerves (nerves that send messages to your brain) receive. Learn More About Causes of Vertigo: Common Risk Factors, Genetics, and More Each person may require different testing, depending on the suspected cause of vertigo. RELATED: Learn More About Tests for Vertigo When choosing a specialist, you should consider his or her education, training, and experience. You might also want to ask if the specialist’s facility has equipment for diagnosing and treating vertigo disorders. While the diagnostic process may seem tedious at times, it’s important to stay the course so you can find out what’s causing your symptoms.

When Should You Call Your Doctor About Your Symptoms?

It’s also a good idea to see your healthcare provider if you have any type of dizziness that interferes with your daily activities.

When Should You Seek Out Emergency Care?

A new, different, or severe headacheHearing lossDouble vision or loss of visionFeverSlurred speech or trouble speakingLimb weaknessLoss of consciousnessNumbness or tinglingDifficulty walkingLoss of coordinationInability to keep food down, or continuous vomiting

Learn More About Diagnosing Vertigo: Tests and Screenings, Early Diagnosis, and Your Doctors 

Prognosis of Vertigo

In many cases, symptoms of vertigo will resolve on their own within a few days. But for other people, it’s chronic. Living with vertigo can be frustrating. Your episodes may be unpredictable and sporadic. Some days, you may not experience any symptoms, while other days, you might have debilitating bouts of dizziness. The good news is there are effective treatment options and most of the time, these treatments can help you control or eliminate your symptoms, so you can enjoy everyday activities. Other types of physical therapy are used to relieve vertigo caused by inner ear problems. Sometimes medicines, injections, psychotherapy, or surgery are needed. Your doctor can help you decide which options are best for you.

Medication Options


Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Additionally, yoga, tai chi, relaxation techniques, and adequate sleep might help you improve balance and ward off a vertigo episode. Talk to your doctor before performing any at-home remedies.

Learn More About Treatment for Vertigo: Medication, Alternative and Complementary Therapies, Surgery Options, and More

Prevention of Vertigo

Most of the time, vertigo can’t be prevented. But knowing and avoiding certain risk factors may help prevent it. For instance, you can protect yourself from a head injury by wearing a helmet when bicycling or playing sports or taking measures to prevent a fall. One study, published in 2016 in the Journal of Vestibular Research, found that Black Americans were more likely to have BPPV compared with white Americans. The authors of the study say this may be because diabetes rates are higher in Black Americans.

Favorite Organizations for Vertigo

Vestibular Disorders Association (VeDA) VeDA’s goal is to educate, support, and empower people who suffer from vestibular disorders, like vertigo. One unique feature is their patient registry — a database of health info that documents patient experiences. American Institute of Balance This is one of the country’s largest multispecialty centers for the evaluation and treatment of dizziness and balance disorders. Check out their self-quiz for dizziness and balance problems. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) The NIDCD provides a wealth of information about balance disorders, Ménière’s, and vestibular schwannoma.

Favorite Online Support Networks

Balance and Dizziness Canada This organization aims to increase awareness of balance disorders and empower those affected by dizziness. Their Ask an Expert section lets you submit questions to top health professionals. You might also want to check out the legal services page, which offers advice on finding a lawyer if you need help navigating disability benefits. VeDA Support Groups Connecting with others might be just what you need to cope with your vertigo episodes. VeDA’s website helps you find support groups in your area. Or, you can join an online group.

Favorite Apps, Products, and Gadgets

aVOR This free app demonstrates how vestibular disorders happen in the body. It was designed as a teaching tool for college-level students and medical professionals, but the information could help laypeople, too. Vestibio Need a personal trainer for your vertigo exercises? Try Vestibio. It’s an easy-to-use vestibular rehabilitation therapy app that keeps track of your recovery process. It helps you complete your prescribed exercises and automatically saves your results to share with your doctor later.

Favorite Patient Blogs

Vertigo Detective Dr. Kimberley Bell, DPT, the “Vertigo Detective,” writes this informative blog. She offers tips on managing dizziness, recognizing symptoms, and more. Mummy Seeing Double Written by a mom of twins, this blog chronicles the writer’s experience with vestibular migraines and other chronic illnesses.

Favorite Annual Meetings

American Academy of Neurology The American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting covers some of the latest breakthroughs for neurological disorders. You can browse the program here.

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