All people with leukemia will experience some degree of cytopenia, which is a deficiency in mature blood cells. This is because, as abnormal leukemia cells grow in the bone marrow, they crowd out the cells normally produced there. Patients may not have enough healthy red blood cells, a condition called anemia. Common symptoms include:

FatigueWeaknessFeeling coldDizziness or light-headednessHeadacheShortness of breath

A shortage of white blood cells, which are the cornerstone of your body’s immune system that are required to fight infection, may result in infections that don’t go away. Low blood platelet counts are another common problem people with cytopenia face. Having a shortage of platelets can cause excessive bruising or bleeding, frequent or severe nosebleeds, and bleeding gums. People with acute forms of the cancer usually notice more symptoms because the disease progresses faster. Those with chronic leukemia may not know they have cancer until they take a routine blood test. Some symptoms of leukemia are vague and general, making it a somewhat difficult cancer to detect. (1,2) Some general symptoms of leukemia include:

FeverNight sweatsUnexplained weight lossFatigueLoss of appetite

Most of the time, these symptoms are caused by another illness, and not leukemia. (3)

Symptoms of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)

Most symptoms of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) occur because a person lacks an adequate amount of normal blood cells. Problems due to low blood cell counts include:

Feeling tired or weakDizziness or light-headednessShortness of breathFeverInfections that come back or don’t go awayEasy bruising or bleeding

If leukemia cells build up in the liver and spleen, you may feel full after only eating a small meal or notice swelling in your belly.  Sometimes, leukemia can cause bone or joint pain from the cells growing in the bone marrow. If ALL spreads to other places in your body, you may experience symptoms such as:

Enlarged lymph nodes if the cancer spreads to lymph nodesHeadaches, weakness, seizures, vomiting, facial numbness, blurred vision, or balance issues if the cancer spreads to your brain or spinal cordFluid buildup and breathing difficulties if the cancer spreads to your chest

A subtype of ALL can affect the thymus, a small organ in the middle of your chest. An enlarged thymus can cause coughing or trouble breathing. It can also press on the superior vena cava (SVC) — a large vein in your body. If this happens, blood can back up in the veins and cause a serious condition that’s characterized by swelling in the face, neck, arms, and chest; headaches; dizziness; and a change in consciousness. (4)

Symptoms of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

If the acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cancer cells, called blasts, become very high in number, they can cause a serious condition known as leukostasis, which literally means slowing of the normal blood flow due to congestion. This can lead to symptoms such as:

HeadacheSlurred speechWeakness on one side of the bodyConfusionSleepinessShortness of breathBlurry vision or loss of vision

Some people with AML may have bone or joint pain if the leukemia builds up in the bone marrow in these areas. If AML spreads to the skin, it can cause spots that look like a rash. Certain types of AML may affect the gums, causing pain, swelling, and bleeding. Enlarged lumps under the skin of the neck, groin, underarms, or collarbone are a sign that the cancer has spread to your lymph nodes. When cancer cells collect in the liver or spleen, the organs may enlarge and cause swelling of the abdomen or a feeling of fullness. People with a certain type of AML, known as acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), may have bleeding and clotting problems.   If AML spreads to your brain or spinal cord, it could cause:

WeaknessHeadachesVomitingSeizuresBalance difficultiesBlurred visionNumbness in the face


Symptoms of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

People with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which is sometimes also known as small lymphocytic lymphoma, may not have any symptoms when the cancer is diagnosed. Over time, they may gradually notice certain issues. Anemia can affect someone with CLL, causing weakness, tiredness, and shortness of breath. CLL is a cancer of B lymphocytes, which usually work to help fight infections. People with CLL may also have a high or low white blood cell count. Because their bone marrow is producing too many abnormal blood cells, they don’t have enough healthy cells. As a result, they may experience frequent infections that don’t go away on their own. Bruising, bleeding, frequent nosebleeds, and bleeding gums may occur when you have a shortage of platelets in your blood. If CLL affects your liver or spleen, you may feel full after only a small meal or experience swelling in your belly. Swollen lymph nodes are another sign of CLL. (6)

Symptoms of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)

People with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) often experience many of the same symptoms as those with CLL. The most common sign of CML is an abnormal white blood cell count on blood tests. Very high or low white blood cell counts can lead to frequent infections that are hard to fight off. A shortage of red blood cells can cause weakness, tiredness, and shortness of breath. Too few platelets in the blood can trigger nosebleeds, easy bruising or bleeding, or bleeding gums. Some people with CML have too many platelets in their blood, which can also cause bleeding and bruising issues because the platelets don’t work properly. A feeling of unusual fullness after eating or swelling in the abdomen are also common symptoms if the cancer affects your spleen or liver. Additionally, some people with CML may complain of bone or joint pain if leukemia cells spread from the marrow to the surface of the bone or joint. (7)

What to Do if You Have Symptoms

It’s a good idea to see your doctor if you have signs or symptoms that are unusual, severe, or don’t go away. Leukemia symptoms are often overlooked because they can mimic those of other common illnesses, such as the flu. If your physician suspects leukemia, he might perform a physical exam, routine blood work, or a bone marrow test – a procedure to remove a sample of bone marrow from your hip. (8)