If you or a loved one sustains a TBI that requires medical attention, your doctor will most likely use a number of new terms to explain symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Below is a glossary of common TBI-related terms that you may hear throughout your recovery process. This list is by no means all-encompassing, and not everything in it will be relevant to your situation — no two cases of TBI are the same, so your symptoms and recovery won’t follow any predetermined course. But these definitions may help you make sense of both your symptoms and your interactions with the healthcare system.

Traumatic Brain Injury Glossary

Acute rehabilitation An inpatient treatment program, provided as early as possible in the TBI recovery process. It typically involves helping you accomplish routine tasks like eating, getting dressed, walking, and talking. Agnosia The inability to recognize objects, people, smells, or sounds due to brain damage. It may occur suddenly in the aftermath of TBI, and is a neurological disorder that’s distinct and separate from memory loss (amnesia). Agraphia Loss of the ability to write. When this happens because of TBI, it’s often accompanied by a loss in the ability to read (alexia). Agraphia can range from mild (some difficulty writing words) to severe (inability to write). Alexia Loss of the ability to read. This is often accompanied by a loss of the ability to write (agraphia) in people with TBI, but may also be seen on its own. Alexia can range from mild to severe. Amnesia Memory loss due to brain damage, which may result in forgetting facts, experiences, or practical knowledge. People with amnesia may have trouble learning new information and forming new memories, on top of losing memories that developed before the TBI was sustained. Anticonvulsants Drugs that are used to help stop seizures in people with post-traumatic epilepsy due to TBI. They may also be used to treat seizures early in the aftermath of TBI, in people who experience this problem briefly and don’t go on to develop a seizure disorder. Antidepressants Drugs designed to treat depression — a mood disorder defined by an ongoing sense of sadness or loss of interest, which may occur in the aftermath of TBI. There are many different categories of antidepressants, some of which may also be used to treat other neurological symptoms. RELATED: Get the Facts About Concussion and PTSD Apathy and loss of initiative Many people who sustain a TBI experience apathy, a state of reduced motivation to set goals or to start or follow through with tasks. This may have a negative impact on behaviors that can help with recovery, along with work and family life. Aphasia Loss of the ability to understand or express oneself in speech due to brain injury. It can range from mild (saying the wrong word, or forgetting the word you were going to use) to more severe (producing few recognizable words). Ataxia Loss of control or coordination in voluntary movements, such as walking or grasping objects. It’s usually caused by damage to your cerebellum, and can also affect your speech, eye movement, or swallowing. Audiologist A healthcare professional trained to diagnose and treat hearing and balance problems. Audiologists can administer a variety of tests to detect these problems, as well as fit hearing aids, if needed. Biofeedback therapy Using electronic instruments to measure physical responses in your body, and feeding the responses back to you — on a computer screen or through audio — to help you change these responses. One form of biofeedback often used for TBI is EEG neurofeedback, which measures certain brain-wave frequencies and may help you improve mental performance. Brain fog A loosely defined term to describe a mix of memory problems, lack of mental clarity, and inability to focus that often results from TBI. It’s sometimes described as a “fuzzy” feeling, or a sense of pressure inside your head. Brain plasticity The ability of brain cells to change in response to factors inside or outside your body, also known as neuroplasticity. These changes may explain certain harmful effects of TBI, but your brain’s ability to change — both structurally and functionally — is also the basis for many potential TBI treatments. Brain scan Use of an imaging scan to assess structural changes in the brain. Computed tomography (CT) scans are often used to assess damage from TBI in an emergency setting, while follow-up scans during recovery may use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to look for subtle changes in the brain. Cerebellum A relatively small structure at the back of your brain that contains over 50 percent of all your brain’s neurons (brain cells). It’s responsible for maintaining balance and posture, coordinating voluntary movements (such as walking and holding objects), and certain cognitive functions. Cerebral contusion A type of TBI in which scattered areas of bleeding occur on the surface of your brain, such as when part of your brain strikes a ridge in your skull. This form of bruising usually results in brain swelling (cerebral edema) within 48 to 72 hours of the initial injury. Cerebral hypoxia A reduced supply of oxygen to your brain. This complication can develop hours to days after you sustain a TBI. Mild hypoxia can cause symptoms like memory loss or reduced coordination, while severe hypoxia can cause seizures, coma, or death. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) A clear liquid found in your brain and spinal cord that acts as a “cushion” against impact and injury. Cerebrospinal fluid leaking from your ears or nose is a potential symptom of TBI. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) A chronic, degenerative brain disease caused by repeated trauma to the head — sometimes years or decades after this trauma has ended. In most cases, CTE can be diagnosed only in an autopsy, by sectioning the brain. Closed head injury Any head injury in which the skull is not physically penetrated or broken open. A closed head injury can result in mild to severe TBI, since your brain can still bruise or bleed significantly as a result. Cognitive rehabilitation Personalized training to improve impaired mental functions in people with TBI. This type of therapy may be used to help people regain independence, improve quality of life, or perform a job. Coma Prolonged unconsciousness due to an illness or injury such as TBI. A coma is a medical emergency that requires action to keep someone alive and maintain brain function. It may last up to several weeks, and may lead to gradual recovery or a transition to a vegetative state or death. Sometimes comas are medically induced. Computed axial tomography (CAT) An older term for computed tomography (CT). Computed tomography (CT) A type of imaging scan that uses a series of X-rays to display a cross-section of an area of your body. It’s often used in emergency settings to create an image of the brain after TBI. Concentration The ability to remain focused on a task for a prolonged period. A TBI can interfere with the concentration needed for both work and social activities, as well as higher-level functions like memory and reasoning. Concussion A mild TBI in which an impact causes your head and brain to move back and forth quickly. This movement can make your brain bounce or twist inside your skull, potentially causing both chemical changes and physical damage to cells. Concussions can occur with or without loss of consciousness. Dementia pugilistica An older term to describe mental decline due to repeated head injuries. Also nicknamed “boxer’s dementia,” it’s now recognized as a manifestation of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Diffuse axonal injury A type of TBI that causes tearing of the brain’s long nerve fibers (axons) as the brain shifts and rotates inside the skull. This type of TBI may cause microscopic changes that aren’t visible on imaging scans but can be severe enough to cause coma and widespread damage. Disinhibition Loss of control over behavior, resulting in socially inappropriate conduct. A potential consequence of TBI, disinhibition can have effects ranging from sharing too much information to inappropriate expressions of rage or sexual advances. Disorientation Confusion about what time it is, where you are, or who you are. It’s common for a period of confusion and disorientation to follow a moderate to severe TBI. Dizziness A term that may describe light-headedness, vertigo (the sense that you or your surroundings are moving), or imbalance. A common symptom following a mild TBI, dizziness may last for weeks or even months but may improve over time or with certain exercises. RELATED: How to Get Rid of Vertigo Once and for All Dysarthria Slurred or slow speech due to the weakening of certain muscles or difficulty controlling them. A potential symptom of TBI, dysarthria may improve with speech therapy and related exercises. Epilepsy A chronic disorder marked by repeated, unprovoked seizures (with no known underlying cause). TBI is one potential cause of epilepsy, but not everyone who has some seizures after a TBI goes on to develop epilepsy. Glasgow coma scale A method for assessing how severely impaired someone’s consciousness is when they’re in a coma. It involves recording the person’s response to certain stimuli, such as verbal commands, sounds, and touch or pressure. This is one of the most common symptoms following a TBI. It results in pain that occurs in the head, face, or neck. A headache can be described as dull, throbbing, or a sharp pain, and they can last for a long time after the initial injury occurs. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) A treatment that involves sessions of breathing pure oxygen in a chamber with high atmospheric pressure. This therapy is mainstream for treating certain kinds of infections, but is still considered experimental for TBI, despite some promising results from research studies. Intracranial pressure monitoring A diagnostic test to find out if symptoms you’re experiencing may be the result of cerebrospinal fluid pressure that’s too high or too low. It involves having a probe inserted through your skull that stays in place for 24 hours or longer. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) An imaging test that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to view an area of your body in detail. It’s commonly used to look at the brain after TBI, and may be used to identify areas of injury as well as structural or functional changes to the brain over time. Memory impairment A common complaint among TBI survivors, memory impairment often involves problems with short-term memory (forgetting things you did recently) or prospective memory (forgetting things you’re supposed to do) but can also affect long-term memory or the memory of sustaining your injury. Nausea A common symptom that occurs after a TBI. Nausea is discomfort in your stomach that makes you feel like you’re going to vomit. Neurofatigue A sense of being overwhelmed or overstimulated, causing a person to shut down physically and emotionally. With this common symptom of TBI, seemingly simple tasks or routine social interactions can become daunting — sometimes suddenly and without warning. Neurofatigue may improve over time as your brain rebuilds damaged connections. Neurologist A doctor who specializes in disorders of the brain and nervous system. While all neurologists receive some training in managing brain injuries, some neurologists receive specialized training in TBI and make it a focus of their practice. Neuronal degeneration The loss of function of neurons (brain cells), also known as neurodegeneration. This complex process can begin immediately after a TBI and continue for weeks, potentially causing or contributing to a range of symptoms. Neuropsychological evaluation An assessment of how your brain functions, usually conducted as a test with a pencil and paper. A trained specialist evaluates your brain’s strengths and weaknesses by scoring your results, which may help guide treatment decisions following a TBI. Noise and light sensitivity A sense of overstimulation that comes with types of lighting — such as dim or bright lights — or with loud or ongoing noises or crowds. This common symptom of TBI can make it difficult or impossible to do routine tasks, and may require avoiding certain stimuli, such as by staying in a darkened room or wearing earplugs. Phonophobia A symptom of a traumatic brain injury that results in sensitivity to noise. Photophobia Light sensitivity that can occur after a traumatic brain injury. Physiatrist A doctor who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Physiatrists treat conditions affecting many different areas of the body, including the brain, nerves, and muscles. Some are trained in the subspecialty of brain injury medicine. Physical therapist A healthcare professional who specializes in movement and may provide education, prescribe and teach exercises, or give hands-on therapy (also known as a physiotherapist). A physical therapist can help develop a plan to increase your strength, balance, and coordination after a TBI. Post-concussion syndrome A collection of symptoms that may develop after a concussion, possibly lasting for weeks to months. These symptoms may include headache, dizziness, fatigue, cognitive problems, trouble sleeping, noise and light sensitivity, blurred vision, and more. Psychologist A therapist who can help you examine your thoughts and how they may be contributing to mental or physical distress, through a process called psychotherapy. A psychologist may be able to help you work through how your TBI has changed your sense of self, and figure out how to make new goals based on your own values and priorities. Seizure A sudden electrical disturbance in your brain, which may cause symptoms such as jerking movements, confusion, or loss of consciousness or awareness. A TBI may cause one or more seizures in the first few days after you sustain your injury, or lead to ongoing seizures over a longer period (known as epilepsy). Speech-language pathologist A healthcare professional who focuses on communication and can help treat many different problems with language as well as swallowing. If you have trouble with speaking, paying attention in a conversation, or reading and writing after your TBI, a speech-language pathologist may be able to help. SPECT scan A type of imaging scan that uses a radioactive substance and special camera to create 3D images of your brain. It can go beyond simple imaging to show areas of your brain that are more or less active, which can be helpful in assessing damage from a TBI. Survivor A common term for someone who has survived a TBI. Some people prefer other terms, such as “thriver” and “warrior.” Vision problems Visual symptoms of TBI may include blurred or double vision, partial vision loss, abnormal eye movements, loss of perceived color or contrast, and more. These problems can make it difficult to complete many different tasks, including reading. Vestibular rehabilitation A form of physical therapy that uses specialized exercises to improve balance and address problems related to dizziness. Depending on your exact symptoms, the exercises may emphasize stabilizing your gaze, becoming acclimated to situations that cause dizziness (habituation), or increasing balance and exertion.