That’s what I have. Defensive wounds. My hands were bruised, fingernails broken, and knees and elbows left muddy, bloody, and embedded with sand and seaweed. The assailant? A slab of wet, slippery limestone just below the high tide line.

Being Careful Is Good, but Not Always Enough

My wheaten terrier and I were out for a stretch of the legs between squalls, but our timing was not as “between” as I had thought. As hailstones quickly followed behind a few sprinkles and a sharp temperature drop, we headed for a bluff, with the intention of letting the dune grass and a sandy overhang take the brunt of the onslaught. I had the right shoes, I had my stick, I kept myself low, and I was being careful. The rock looked a bit slippery, but my quick calculations set better odds on a careful traverse of the rock to the shelter of the dune over 30-knot winds shooting pea-sized hail at us. I was careful but, as my introduction has foretold, not careful enough, and it was a long walk to get the short distance back to the car and its first-aid kit.

My Experience With Falling May Have Kept Me Safer

I bring up my (thankfully minor) injuries after this slip and fall as winter hits the northern hemisphere in full force. For many of us with multiple sclerosis (MS), falls are a part of our life. When I fall, it’s usually at home, because I don’t normally go out on days I gauge as too wobbly for such journeys. It’s a coping mechanism that has worked well for me. This fall was not caused by MS. Rather, it was likely much less serious than it could have been because of my disease, or at least my experience with living with it. I didn’t simply step out onto the dark rock and lose my footing. In fact, I had two hands and two feet in contact with the slick surface when I fell. My center of gravity was probably less than a foot from the rock when a cascade of my parts made blunt force contact with the immovable earth. Had I not been so cautious to be four-points connected, Maggie may have been required to do a Lassie and go for help.

Be Cautious, but Know That You Don’t Control Everything

We are mindful of our selves and our surroundings, but sometimes nature has the upper hand. This was one of those times, and I’m thankful that my state of caution was high. As you head out in the coming weeks and months — wet, cold, snowy, icy, and slick as the days and nights are bound to be — do take extra caution. Don’t be alone if you can help it. Have a “flight plan” filed with someone close, just in case you are overtime. We shouldn’t let the combination of multiple sclerosis and the weather keep us in for extended periods of time. Neither should we step outside without taking a few cautionary steps in planning for the time outdoors. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis