September has been designated Ovarian Cancer Awareness month, and is filled with events dedicated to educating people about the ovarian cancer and its symptoms. RELATED: Ovarian Cancer: Myths vs. Facts

World Ovarian Cancer Day Is May 8

World Ovarian Cancer Day serves to spread awareness about the deadliness of ovarian cancer around the globe. In 2020, nearly 300,000 new diagnoses and over 184,000 deaths worldwide were attributed to ovarian cancer. These numbers are projected to climb in the next 15 years. World Ovarian Cancer Day seeks to bring together people affected by ovarian cancer, advocacy groups, and supporters in order to raise awareness and solidarity.

National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Week Is from September 29 to October 5

The final week of Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and into October is particularly focused on ovarian and breast cancer risk that runs in families through inherited cancer genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, which raise the risk for both breast cancer and ovarian cancer. When there are multiple cases of breast or ovarian cancer on one side of a family, a diagnosis of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) may be considered. National HBOC week seeks to educate people on potential risk factors and prevention strategies for women who discover that they are at elevated genetic risk for the disease.

Women’s Health Week Is May 10 to May 16

Women’s Health Week seeks to raise awareness surrounding breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer. Screenings for these cancers are promoted, in addition to awareness about risk factors, and support for people affected by these diseases. RELATED: 6 Common Questions About Ovarian Cancer, Answered

OCRA’s Ovarian CycleT.E.A.L. Walk

OCRA’s Ovarian Cycle

The Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA) hosts cycling events to raise money for ovarian cancer research and awareness. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they have moved two April events to virtual settings, and currently plan on hosting events in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on August 8 and Orlando, Florida, on September 26. If the in-person events are cancelled, they will continue virtually, and virtual participation is already an option.

T.E.A.L. Walk in Brooklyn, New York; Litchfield, Connecticut; and Savannah, Georgia

T.E.A.L. (Tell Every Amazing Lady) will host its annual T.E.A.L. walks throughout the month of September — in Brooklyn on September 12, Litchfield on September 19, and Savannah on September 26. Each event is currently planned to occur as an in-person activity, but a virtual event is an option. Upcoming conferences and meetings include:

Ovarian Cancer National Conference13th Biennial Ovarian Cancer Research Symposium

Ovarian Cancer National Conference

The OCRA will host its annual conference from September 29 to October 2 virtually as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its aim is to bring together the ovarian cancer community, and create a fun, supportive, and informative event for people affected by ovarian cancer.

13th Biennial Ovarian Cancer Research Symposium

The American Association for Cancer Research will hold its research symposium on ovarian cancer from September 26 to 28. Currently, it is planned to be held in Seattle. Its goal is to bring together clinicians and researchers for collaboration in order to advance the field of ovarian cancer research. RELATED: Immunotherapy for Ovarian Cancer The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) is a 25-year-old grassroots organization dedicated to saving lives through prevention and fundraising for ovarian cancer research. Local chapters can be found across the United States, including in New York City, Washington, DC, and San Antonio, Texas. The NOCC’s volunteers assist in running community events and spread earlier awareness in channels from local health fairs to social media. Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance The OCRA seeks volunteers to participate in events and fairs dedicated to raising awareness about ovarian cancer. Volunteers may work one-on-one with patients or people affected, participate in workshops promoting women’s health, or run booths at health fairs dedicated to spreading awareness. World Ovarian Cancer Coalition While it doesn’t directly accept volunteers, the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition works with over a hundred organizations around the globe dedicated to patients with ovarian cancer to promote awareness and spread solidarity for ovarian cancer. Its campaigns include both local events and social media advocacy.

Sharing On Social Media

Social media is an excellent way to spreading awareness about ovarian cancer and people affected by it. During Ovarian Cancer Awareness month, the NOCC encourages people to post or tweet with #KnowOvarian and tag 10 people to include more people in the movement for ovarian cancer research and treatment. Other hashtags to spread awareness include #EndWomensCancer, #TakeActionNotChances, and #whyTEAL (Tell Every Amazing Lady).

Get Political

To affect access to care and diagnosis for women living with ovarian cancer and seeking a prognosis, stay aware of bills that can affect the affordability of long-term treatment and in particular, the access to screening and detection. Making tests and early detection more accessible will help limit deaths due to this disease. For support groups, visit the NOCC or Cancer Care websites to find one that suits you in your area. Some online support groups on Facebook include Ovarian Cancer Support Group (about 8,300 members) and Ovarian Cancer UK (about 3,300 members).