“[People with the flu] should stay home from work or school. But most will not need to go see the doctor, and most will recover in a few days,” says Dan Jernigan, the director of the influenza division at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Still, in the 2017–2018 season, more than 14,600 people have been hospitalized for influenza-related illnesses so far, according to the CDC.

Are You at High Risk for a Flu Emergency?

Certain populations are at a greater risk for flu-related emergencies, such as older adults and very young children. This year’s flu has also hit baby boomers between 50 and 64 years of age particularly hard. Teresa Bowen-Spinelli, MD, a clinical assistant professor in the emergency medicine department at New York University’s Langone Health in New York City, points out that anyone with chronic conditions such as respiratory illnesses or a weakened immune system is more at risk. The CDC advises pregnant women who develop flu symptoms to call their doctor right away. A doctor can prescribe antiviral drugs to treat the flu and reduce the risk of complications. There are three U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved antiviral drugs that the CDC recommends: Tamiflu (oseltamivir), Relenza (zanamivir), and Rapivab (peramivir). “Treatment with an antiviral drug can mean the difference between having a milder illness and having a very serious illness that could result in a hospital stay,” says Angela J.P. Campbell, MD, MPH, an assistant professor of pediatric infectious disease at Seattle Children’s Hospital and a medical officer in the CDC’s influenza division. “Antiviral drugs work better the earlier you begin taking them, so prompt action to seek medical care is important.”

What Are the Signs of a Flu Emergency?

Whether or not you’re at high risk for flu complications, there are certain red flags to watch for. If you have any of these signs or symptoms, seek medical attention. High fever A higher-than-normal body temperature is normal when your body is fighting off infection. But a fever above 102 degrees F may signal something more serious. Adults should seek immediate care for a temperature of 105 degrees F or higher, or if a fever exceeding 103 degrees F continues more than 48 hours. “Children tolerate high fevers better than adults,” says Randy Bergen, MD, a pediatric infectious disease consultant and the clinical lead of the flu vaccine program for Kaiser Permanente in Northern California. The Cleveland Clinic advises getting medical attention for a child if a fever is higher than 104 degrees F or does not respond to fever reducers. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath “Difficulty breathing is not nasal congestion, when you can’t breathe from your nose,” says Dr. Bowen-Spinelli. The way she describes it is: “When I walk, I find myself struggling to breathe, or I can’t get enough air, or I’m breathing really fast.” Trouble breathing can be a sign of pneumonia, a potentially life-threatening lung infection that is a common flu complication. Blood in sputum Signs of blood in coughed-up saliva and mucus (sputum) is known as hemoptysis. The blood could be coming from the lungs, the stomach, or elsewhere. Coughing up blood could be a sign of many conditions, ranging from pneumonia, bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to pulmonary embolism and certain cancers. Dehydration Severe dehydration is a medical emergency that can occur “if you can’t take fluids and keep them down, or if you’re losing hydration through diarrhea or vomiting,” says Bowen-Spinelli. Signs of dehydration may include dry mouth, decreased or darker-colored urine, and light-headedness. If you become severely dehydrated, you may have to be given intravenous fluids in a hospital. Persistent or worsening symptoms “If you’re not getting better in a few days, or if you feel better and then worse again with symptoms such as recurrent fever or worsening cough, you may be developing complications and should seek medical attention,” says Dr. Campbell. Other red flags Mayo Clinic lists bluish skin color, unresponsiveness, and extreme irritability as other flu-related emergency warning signs in children. In adults, watch out for signs of dizziness, confusion, severe vomiting, and pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen.

Should I See My Doctor for Flu Symptoms?

Even once you decide that you need medical care, it may not be clear whether you should go to your primary care doctor, the emergency room, or an urgent care center. The main advantage of seeing your primary care physician is that you’ll get treatment by someone who knows you with your medical and family history in mind. “In general, for less severe symptoms, it’s ideal to call the primary care provider who knows you or knows your child, and make an appointment to be seen,” says Campbell. When making a doctor’s appointment, be sure to accurately describe your condition and symptom severity. “If you are a high-risk patient, your primary care office may be able to prioritize a visit,” she says. Hospitals have reported an increase in patients heading to emergency rooms for flu-like symptoms, resulting in overcrowding and longer waits. So seeing your own doctor “may save you a several-hour wait in an emergency room in this difficult flu season,” Campbell adds.

Should I Go to an Emergency Room?

Certain medical conditions — such as difficulty breathing and chest pain — should be considered emergencies that require immediate treatment. Emergency rooms are best equipped to handle these situations and administer advanced treatments. If you are having a medical emergency, do not drive yourself to the ER. Call 911 for an ambulance, so paramedics can monitor and start treating your condition before you arrive at the hospital. “Symptoms can get worse very fast, even within the first couple of days of illness,” Campbell says. “It’s important to remember that serious disease can happen quickly. We have studied deaths in children with flu and have learned that one-third of these children died before they even got to the hospital.”

Should I Go to an Urgent-Care Center?

If you require nonemergency medical attention and your doctor is unavailable, a local urgent-care center could be your best option. According to the Urgent Care Association of America (UCAOA), there are more than 7,500 urgent-care centers nationwide. Urgent-care centers are medical clinics that typically accept walk-in patients and offer extended hours. Most centers provide a range of medical services, including X-rays and lab tests, for non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries. They also tend to be more affordable: According to data cited by the UCAOA, the average cost of an urgent-care center visit is $150, as compared with $1,354 for an ER visit. Knowing how to spot early signs of a potential flu emergency and understanding your treatment options is especially important when flu activity is at a high level. “This flu season is notable for the sheer volume and intensity of flu that is occurring across most of the country, all at the same time, which is almost unprecedented,” Campbell says. “It’s likely there will be significant flu activity for many weeks to come.” To avoid getting sick in the first place, the flu shot is your best bet — even this late in the season. “As long as flu viruses are circulating, vaccination should continue throughout the flu season,” Campbell explains. “While the flu vaccine is not perfect, flu vaccination prevents millions of illnesses and tens of thousands of flu-related hospitalizations each year.”