Like other minerals, chromium doesn’t naturally occur in the body, so it must be obtained through diet or supplements. Here’s more about chromium, including how much you need, whether you might be deficient, how chromium may impact weight loss and diabetes, and the best foods for obtaining this vital nutrient.

Chromium: What It Does and Why We Need It

Although we need to ingest chromium in small amounts, the mineral has two forms, and one can be toxic. The kind we find in food is known as trivalent or chromium 3+, while the form emitted by industrial pollution is called hexavalent or chromium 6+, according to the NIH. The former plays a key role in metabolism. “Basically, you need chromium to properly convert the food you eat into energy,” says Kristi King, RD, who works at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. This necessary mineral supports the role of insulin, a hormone that’s critical for the absorption and storage of glucose, or blood sugar, according to the NIH. “Chromium works with insulin to help your body use blood sugar and may also be involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins," explains Melissa Majumdar, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the bariatric coordinator at Emory University Hospital Midtown in Decatur, Georgia.

Infants ages 0 to 12 months: 0.2 to 5.5 mcgChildren ages 1 to 3 years: 11 mcgChildren ages 4 to 8 years: 15 mcgBoys ages 9 to 18 years: 25 to 35 mcgGirls ages 9 to 18 years: 21 to 24 mcgMen 19 to 50 years: 35 mcgWomen 19 to 50 years: 25 mcgMen over 50: 30 mcgWomen over 50: 20 mcgWomen who are pregnant or breastfeeding: 29 to 45 mcg

According to the NIH, data on people’s average chromium intake versus AI is limited, especially because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t require labels to list chromium content unless it’s been added to food. Research, however, has found that participants’ mean intake of the mineral exceeds the AI for both men and women, suggesting that most people in the United States have intakes similar to what’s recommended. In the same way that insufficient evidence prevents the setting of an RDA for this nutrient, there isn’t a tolerable upper limit (UL) for chromium (or a maximum amount you should have). In fact, there are few side effects linked to high chromium intakes, says King. “Chromium toxicity tends to be quite rare among those taking it,” she says. Any associated risks are seen in industrial settings and involve the hexavalent form of chromium. “There’s some thought that the elderly may need more chromium in their daily diets, but currently this is just a hypothesis,” says King. It’s difficult to determine who may be at risk for too little chromium as there isn’t a reliable lab test of biochemical markers that measure the body’s stores. “It’s hard to gauge this mineral in people because blood levels aren’t reflective of true amounts since the body has its own chromium storage,” says Majumdar, adding that chromium is stored in the liver, spleen, soft tissue, and bones. “You can also get chromium from garlic, basil, turkey, sweet potatoes, English muffins, and waffles,” notes King. Grape juice is an excellent source of chromium, with 7.5 mcg per cup. Diets that are high in simple sugars — in which simple sugars make up more than 35 percent of calorie intake — can reduce absorption of chromium, according to the National Library of Medicine. Because the absorption of chromium from the intestines is small, you might try to improve this process by targeting the way you eat. Fruits and vegetables with vitamin C and niacin, a B vitamin found in meat, poultry, fish, and grains, can enhance chromium absorption, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. As for claims that chromium may aid in potential weight loss or enhance athletic performance, there’s little research to support those statements. “Keep in mind that supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA,” says King. In fact, if you were to take a supplement, it’s unclear which form of chromium is best to try. And there are multiple kinds, including chromium picolinate, or chromium nicotinate, which is chromium combined with picolinic acid; niacin-bound chromium, which is chromium combined with vitamin B3; and chromium chloride, which is a chemical compound commonly used in IV nutritional support. “There’s some indication that chromium chloride has poor bioavailability, the amount that is absorbed and used by the body, while chromium picolinate and chromium nicotinate are more bioavailable,” notes Majumdar. Unfortunately, research on the topic has become increasingly unfavorable for chromium. In 2014, the American Diabetes Association established in its standards of medical care that there is insufficient evidence to support the routine use of chromium to improve glycemic control in people with diabetes. Then a study published in July 2016 in Nutrition Reviews found limited evidence of effectiveness in the use of chromium for glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. A review and meta-analysis published in March 2021 in Biological Trace Element Research also found that although chromium supplements may slightly reduce A1C readings in people with type 2 diabetes, all other markers — including glucose and blood lipid levels — aren’t effectively improved by the supplement. “It should be noted that studies that have shown chromium to be beneficial have recommended that it be used in conjunction with traditional diabetes management practices,” says King. “Some research shows that taking more than 1,000 mcg daily can worsen insulin sensitivity and, over time, may cause kidney or liver damage,” King points out. Before you add more chromium to your diet — or any type of supplement — speak with your doctor. Certain drugs can react with chromium, rendering one or both less effective. “Antacids, corticosteroids, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors alter stomach acidity and may impair chromium absorption,” says Majumdar. And nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and prostaglandin inhibitors like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin shouldn’t be taken with chromium as their effects may be enhanced, she adds.