With atopic dermatitis, the skin barrier is “compromised,” meaning it doesn’t do an adequate job of keeping irritants and allergens out and moisture in, says Amy Paller, MD, chair of dermatology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. “Throw on top of that the dryness and coldness of winter, which can dry out your skin even more and irritate you, and add on all the handwashing we are doing between cold and flu season and worries about COVID-19, and you can end with exacerbations [flares],” she explains. Swings in temperature — such as going from warm indoor heating to cold outside air and back — can also be tough on eczema-prone skin. “It’s not clear why, but changes in temperature tend to be one of the biggest triggers for people with eczema,” Dr. Paller says. That doesn’t mean you just have to endure inflamed skin throughout the cold winter months. There are a number of things you can do to keep atopic dermatitis flares at bay, even when the mercury and humidity plummet. Here are nine strategies to try.

1. Protect Exposed Skin When You’re Outside

Hand eczema is common in winter and can cause deep cracks, peeling, and blisters on the tops of your hands, palms, and/or fingers, says Jeffrey Benabio, MD, a dermatologist with Kaiser Permanente in San Diego. He recommends wearing gloves whenever you head outdoors. To protect your neck, face, and scalp, which can also be sensitive to the cold, grab a scarf and a hat on chilly days. Be choosy about fabrics that will lie directly on your skin, cautions Paller, because certain materials can make eczema worse. Opt for soft, natural materials like cotton, bamboo, or merino wool, and avoid anything scratchy like coarse wool or polyester, which can be irritating and set off an itch-scratch cycle.

2. Step Up Your Moisturizing Routine

The best treatment for eczema is a proactive one — and that includes using moisturizers. To make skin less likely to react to irritants and control itching, moisturize morning and night and anytime the skin gets wet, especially after a bath or shower, says Jason Reichenberg, MD, a professor of dermatology at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas in Austin. Also keep in mind that lotions, which are mostly water, generally won’t cut it this time of year. “At a minimum, you’ll need to use a moisturizing cream. An ointment like petroleum jelly is even better,” says Paller. Although thick creams and ointments can feel greasy, they hold moisture in the skin for longer.

3. Steer Clear of Soaps and Scents

Your sensitive skin may be especially prone to flares in winter, so avoid exposure to any potentially irritating products. “In the summer, you may be able to tolerate antibacterial or deodorant soaps, but in the winter, you should switch to non-soap cleansers,” Dr. Reichenberg says. Look for products labeled “face cleanser” or “body bar” and avoid anything that has the word “soap” on the package. “Even so-called natural soap products can be harsh on the skin,” Reichenberg adds. Fragrances can also irritate and dry out eczema-prone skin, so opt for fragrance-free skin-care items whenever possible. The same goes for the things you use to wash your clothes: Look for fragrance- and dye-free laundry detergents.

4. Resist the Lure of a Long, Hot Shower

When the weather is cold and raw, a steamy shower can feel great. But showering for too long — especially with hot water during the winter — strips the natural oils from skin and can make atopic dermatitis worse, says Reichenburg. He recommends sticking to short baths and showers (no more than 10 minutes), using comfortably warm but not hot water. Afterward, gently pat your skin dry — don’t rub — and slather on moisturizer while skin is still damp.

5. Strip Off Wet Clothes

After tromping around in the snow or being out in the rain, be sure to remove your gloves, jacket, socks, and anything else that got wet as soon as you come inside. Wet clothes can irritate eczema and, as they dry, cause moisture to evaporate from the skin, Dr. Benabio says. Before you change into something dry, and while your skin is still damp, be sure to moisturize. Perspiration is also very irritating to eczema-prone skin, says Paller. If you’ve been outside exercising or shoveling snow and worked up a sweat, take a quick shower, moisturize, and put on clean, dry clothes as soon as you can, she recommends.

6. Dress in Light Layers

While exposure to cold air can cause an atopic dermatitis flare, dressing too warmly isn’t the answer. The goal is to maintain an even skin temperature as much as possible, says Paller. To avoid the hot-cold-hot-cold cycle, she recommends wearing several light layers rather than one or two heavy ones. “That way, if you start feeling hot and uncomfortable, you can remove a layer,” then put it back on later if you need to, she explains. If you’ll be doing something active and expect to sweat, choose a quick-drying or moisture-wicking fabric as your base layer, such as a lightweight cotton.

7. Sleep With a Humidifier in Your Bedroom

Many heating systems dry out the air inside your home, which can exacerbate atopic dermatitis, notes Reichenberg. Running a humidifier in your bedroom overnight can help add moisture back into the air — and into your skin. Whether you use a cool-mist or warm-mist unit, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. “Otherwise the humidifier could harbor organisms, particularly mold, which isn’t good for someone with an allergic tendency and could end up making eczema worse,” Paller says.

8. Ditch the Heavy Duvet

While you may be chilly when you get into bed, getting cozy under a heavy comforter can leave you feeling hot and itchy a few hours later. To avoid overheating at night, dress your bed as you dress yourself — in layers. Paller recommends starting with soft, cotton sheets and then adding several lightweight blankets on top that you can remove easily. “This way, there’s something you can do if you wake up hot and uncomfortable, rather than just scratching up a storm and being unable to sleep,” she says.

9. Check In With Your Dermatologist

One of the many frustrating things about atopic dermatitis is that you can do everything right and still get a flare. If you can’t break the itch-scratch cycle on your own, check in with your doctor or dermatologist. “There are so many wonderful ways to treat eczema right now,” says Paller. “We don’t just have steroid creams. We have several different types of topicals. We also have injectable biologics that have helped people who were using steroid after steroid or immunosuppressant medication. Even if you haven’t had success in the past, you might find something that is just right for you — and it can change your life.” View the companion visual Web Story on Ways to Prevent Eczema in Cold Weather.