While it is true that specific foods do not cause ulcers, they can make symptoms worse, says Carrie Folse, MD, a gastroenterologist at Saint Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham, Ala. However, “the exacerbation of foods is quite subjective,” she says. It’s hard to tell which food will aggravate symptoms in any one person. So instead of past “one diet fits all” recommendations, doctors now offer more general guidelines. If your loved one notices a particular food causes a problem, just avoid that food and let the doctor know. Sarah Boyd, RD, a registered dietitian in Richmond, Va., says that the following foods may cause discomfort for people with an ulcer:

Meats with a high fat contentHigh-fat condimentsCitrus fruits and juicesTomato productsCoffee and tea — either caffeinated or decaffeinatedAlcoholic beveragesSpicy foodsChocolate

Cooking for the Ulcer Patient: Foods to Choose Although there is no strong evidence that any foods prevent or heal an ulcer, a healthy diet is the best policy. Pick from these wholesome choices:

Lean meats, fish, beans, eggs, or tofu as good protein sourcesHigh-fiber foods, especially fruits and vegetables, as long as they don’t irritate the stomachCaffeine-free drinksNuts and nut buttersHeart-healthy oils, such as olive or canola oils, for cookingFat-free or low-fat mayonnaise and salad dressings

“Because added fats and oils are high in calories and fat grams, moderation is important,” Boyd cautions. Cooking for the Ulcer Patient: Best Prep Methods You may be wondering if there are cooking methods that are better or worse for your loved one with a peptic ulcer. Boyd recommends that you avoid deep-fat frying; using spices that may cause discomfort, such as pepper; and limiting additional fats and oils, such as butter, margarine, regular salad dressings, mayonnaise, and sour cream. She recommends cooking methods that call for limited added fat, such as:


Boyd also suggests using cooking spray in pans, rather than butter or oil. Cooking for the Ulcer Patient: Meal Planning When planning meals for your loved one with an ulcer, keep in mind the following:

Think small and more often. “Smaller, frequent meals may be better tolerated for an individual with an ulcer, especially when [she is] experiencing discomfort,” says Boyd.Pay attention to timing. It may help your loved one to have the last meal or snack of the day two hours or more before bedtime, notes Boyd.

The bottom line is that there are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to foods for ulcer patients, other than avoiding those foods that cause discomfort, says Boyd. The good news is that your loved one should not have any trouble getting adequate nutrition. If either you or your loved one is concerned about what foods to eat, or if certain foods seem to be aggravating the ulcer, consult your doctor or a registered dietitian. You can find a registered dietitian in your area through your local phone book, by asking at your doctor’s office, or by logging onto the American Dietetic Association Web site.